May 25th, 2013 05/25/2013


  So if you have been following my posts; this is where my design prototyping is at now...

The original concept was; A way to attach an ipod to my mountain bike.

I combined a few of my concepts into a single object with multiple concept features after receiving feedback from my 6-12 concept features post where I displayed different variations of concepts to tackle some of my design problems.

Of the 12 choices these three stood out as the three alternative features that needed to be included in the design concept by my targeted users;

The bike must have retractable gadgets for repair and maintenance.

The bike can handle a degree of bumps, jumps, and rough terrain.

The bike has take-away pieces to increase agile functionality.

By asking my target users; (in this case family members) to consider my 12 concepts and ask them which stood out as most relative to their decision in supporting the design concept; I found that the three alternative features mentioned above really resonated with my users' as factors to consider for further implementing my design prototype staging.

By adding Velcro strips and using a rubber Ipod protection cover I was able to create a placement "carriage" that tackled the problem of "take-away accessibility" and the "handling of rough terrain" which could dislodge the Ipod and could have pieces (tape, velcro, straps) easily replaced given their low cost and ease of purchase from a dollar store.

Here is the evidence of the development:

Case Protection Base

Carriage Dock

Working Prototype